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Piers Morgan killed in chip pan fire
In breaking news Piers Morgan has burned to death in a devasting chip pan fire in a static caravan at Hollingsworth Lake Caravan Park
We won, get over it! voted 2017 Phrase of the Year...
We won, get over it! has become the new mantra of choice for racists, according to the results of a new survey published today.
Jeremy Corbyn pictured laying wreath with international terrorists, arms dealers and...
Jeremy Corbyn is once again under fire after being photographed at a wreath laying event with a bunch of terrorists, mass murderers, international arms...
You had some very fine people on both sides, Trump tells...
Donald Trump has told D-Day veterans that there were very fine people on both sides of the battles to control the Normandy Beaches during...
Christian groups OUTRAGED as Apple replace Christian emojis with Islamojis
The next update to Apple's iOS devices will feature almost 100 Islamic emojis, dubbed Islamojis, replacing almost all Christian iconography available on the iPhone...
Get fit and beat inflation with subsistence farming and foraging, Top...
Tory ministers are expected to announce a three part plan to tackle obesity and food inflation later this week.
Squander your hard-earned cash