Lewis Hamilton has upset slums all over the world by comparing them to Stevenage.

The five-time Formula 1 world champion made the faux pas while on stage losing the BBC Sports Personality of the Year awards to an asthmatic Welsh cyclist.

The 33 year-old driver was describing the motivation behind his success when he made the comparison.

“It’s been a really long journey, a dream for us all, as a family, to do something different, to get out of the slums, shit sorry I meant Stevenage.” He told a live studio audience.

The eleven year old flip-flopless leader of a gang in the Brazilian favela, Providencia, who shot down a police helicopter with 50 calibre machine gun last year told The Rochdale Herald.

“Our favella might be a dangerous hellhole run by psychotic drug cartels but at least it’s not fucking Stevenage.”

“It’s disappointing that Lewis Hamilton chose to use Sports Personality of the year to make negative comments about slums. Nowhere is perfect but we’ll go high and say we are #notfuckingStevenage.”

A bloke living on a rubbish dump on the outskirts of Mumbai told The Rochdale Herald “The worst thing is the smell. The open sewers and the stench from rotting garbage.”

“I couldn’t stand it, that’s why I left Stevenage and moved to this massive landfill to make a living collecting plastic bottles. Every day I thank my lucky stars, that I, like Lewis Hamilton made it out.”

Lewis Hamilton is yet to address his comments.

Quentin D Fortesqueue is a founding editor of The Rochdale Herald. Part time amateur narcissist and full time satirist Quentin is never happier than when playing his lute and drinking a full bodied Bordeaux. He rarely plays the lute and never gets to drink Bordeaux.