unhappy man

Emails found on MP’s pornhub viewer

A forensic investigation of Damian Green's computer has revealed that it was used for viewing emails, conducting research and processing documents, confirming that bears shit in the woods. "Naturally, this sort of behaviour is...

Buying a house is really stressful first time buyer tells bloke in queue for...

A first time buyer has been explaining how stressful buying a house is to a man he met in a foodbank. Taylor Twyford-Twist was doing his weekly bit of virtue signalling, or charity work as...

“I did not have fap relations with my work computer” says Damien Green

The beleaguered Secretary of State is still denying accusations of downloading and viewing porn like a teen with two dicks on his office computer at work. The claims have been made by an ex...

Right wing nutjob calls right wing nutjob a right wing nutjob

Leading members of the Right Wing Nutjobs Association have been flinging accusations around willy-nilly to the amusement of 'leftie libtards' everywhere. Right wing nutjob Nigel Farage called Britain First a bunch of right wing...

Theresa May says alcohol and poor judgement to blame for Trump state visit

Theresa May has been responding to calls to cancel the Trump state visit during a press conference today. Responding to criticism that the invitation for the state visit was extended too early the Prime Minister...

World now clear on just how much rope was needed for Donald Trump to...

The world has been quivering with excitement over President Trump's possible impeachment for some time now, like Kim Jong-Un's stubby digit over a big red button. Now it appears satsuma face (well it is...

Badgers vote for cull of Conservative MPs

Radical badgers have declared Dingley Dell an independent sovereign state and have threatened violent action against Conservative MPs in response to the continuing cull. The founder of the MP cull pressure group Gas A Tory...

Gove clarifies that Government will extend the term non-sentient to include any living being...

In a desperate bid to look like the Tories are not using Brexit as an excuse to bring back fox hunting, cock fighting, prima nocta, encourage ultra intensive farming practises and turn a blind...
Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson sneezes and accidentally appeals for 32 British people to be stoned to...

Boris Johnson has apologised for his "sneeze" during comments about a bus full of British women on holiday in Saudi Arabia. The foreign secretary said he was no doubt that the bus full of young...

Hammond to tour UK comedy circuit with budget routine

After recently testing his new material in Parliament, Chancellor Philip Hammond has decided to take his own brand of political comedy "on the road." His 'Budget' routine received a great response from Conservative backbenchers and...

Breaching FCO protocol isn’t just Priti bad, Israeli bad

From sitting Priti to up shit creek without a Patel Former Secretary of State for International Development Priti Patel held undisclosed meetings in Israel accompanied by an influential Conservative Party pro-Israel lobbyist without letting the...

Chances of Patel having job by Christmas looking Priti grim

Theresa May's office has commented on the departure from the usual policy of ministers confining themselves to work on behalf of the country, and instead making a few quid on the freelancing market. This...
Boris Johnson

‘Shit dont stick to this, fam’ says Boris Johnson

Non-stick coating manufacturer Teflon has today announced a lucrative tie in with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson. The company is believed to have lined up an Ad campaign featuring the befuddled minister throwing buckets of shite...
Houses of Parliament

New dress code requires MPs to wear oven gloves in Parliament at all times

The UK Parliament's Committee on Standards has announced plans to require all male MPs to wear oven gloves whenever they attend the building. The Committee was forced to act in the wake of allegations of...

Red-faced Green makes pinky promise regarding blue movies

The latest sex scandal to hit the presses involves Damien Green using pornography at work. The de facto Prime Minister-in-waiting appears to have tossed away his chance to lead the country. Green has vowed...

Jeremy Corbyn is a bit shit, admits former Momentum leader Robbie Tomlinson

Former Rochdale Momentum leader, Robbie Tomlinson, whose real name is Stuart Taxley-Gibbon, has admitted today that Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, is a bit shit. Tomlinson, 31, from Ramsbottom, who stood down from...

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