Trump Press Secretary buys fireproof underpants

The secret of Press Secretary Sean Spicer's propensity for hyperbolic bullshitacity has been revealed.  He has reportedly been wearing a revolutionary new type of asbestos underwear to protect his gonads from incineration during press conferences. As...
Smiling Liam Fox

Liam Fox Claims UK First in Queue for Scottish Trade Deal

Liam Fox has sparked rumours that the Scottish Independence Referendum planned for 2018 was a foregone conclusion this afternoon. The furore began when Mr. Fox took questions at an arms exhibition in Bahrain. Asked by a reporter...
Average Joe

I have no idea what’s going on, says Will of the People

The infamous Will of the People has finally been outed by Rochdale Herald researchers. His real name is Will Fallfrit, and he has opened his heart to the Herald. Will Fallfrit is a pleasant if...

David White follows The Rochdale Herald on Twitter

The editorial team were said to be jubilant at the news this evening that former England, Leeds and Manchester City centre forward David White was following us on Twitter. They were a little bit disappointed...

Only three UKIP leaders till Xmas

The election of the eleventh UKIP leader in the last calendar year has whipped the country into a frenzy of anticipation as it means there are now only three UKIP leaders till Christmas. Stores across...

We didn’t hack Paul Nuttall claims hacker group Anonymous

"We didn't hack Paul Nuttall" claims anarchistic hacker group Anonymous, as they moved to deny claims that it had hacked the UKIP leader and MEP. "Anonymous strongly refutes all rumours and allegations that we have...
Rees Mogg

Argument for abortion makes argument against abortion

Underchinned Tory leadership hopeful Jacob Rees-Mogg has upset both women and homosexuals today by saying he is opposed to same-sex marriage and abortion under any circumstances. "I'm catholic, and according to my beliefs abortion is...

Johnny Foreigner can zip it on Brexit

The government has banned foreigners from advising on Brexit. No really. The government has really banned advice on Brexit from non-British people. That's not even satire. What the flurp is going on? We don't know, it's getting a...

Labour tops FB polls as Conservative voters are busy working for a living

Labour tops Facebook election polls up and down the country as all the Conservative voters are too busy out working for a living to participate in them, a Facebook poll has found. Full time mummy Candice...

 MP who understands difference between dinner and tea appointed Secretary for the North

Theresa May has now got involved in the political hot potato that is The North / South divide. For many in the current government, the only good thing coming from up North is the HS2...

Radical preacher Anjem Choudary Wins a Five-and-a-Half Year Contract to Radicalise UK Prison Population

The 49-year-old was today offered the position at the Old Bailey after an exhaustive selection process. Police say Choudary will now have a captive audience of followers in the UK. The judge, who described Choudary...
Refugees Welcome

Fury as UK migration laws mean that London will be SWAMPED with Brummies by...

Birmingham is a modern, cosmopolitan city whose motto, Forward, sums it up perfectly. The smug, self-serving shithole that is London is the reverse. With its man-bunned hipsters vaping vapidly and gladly paying £10 for...

Steve Bannon Torn Over Best Way To F*ck The Disabled

Following reports that Donald Trump will no longer repeal an Executive Order protecting LGBT rights, White House insiders have revealed that his Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon, is now conflicted about the best way to fuck...

Boris tweets ‘I’m safe’ after car crash interview

Britain's comedy foreign secretary, Boris “The Bewildered” Johnson, is lucky to be alive and well, tweeting “I’m safe!” just moments after his disastrous interview with Eddie Mair. “What is the point of the Prime Minister?” A...
Theresa May

Theresa May to raise voting age to 35

Senior Tory advisors, still reeling from Thursday's disastrous election result which provided a hung parliament, are said today to be telling the prime minister Theresa May that something serious has to be done about Britain's broken electoral system.

Unemployment figures fiddlers hit all time low

The government is celebrating today as the figures released by the ONS show that unemployment as at its lowest since 1975 or something. “It’s a really great achievement for conservatism, and you can’t deny the...

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