Imortan Joe with Trump's face

Mad Max: Fury Road found to be future documentary sent back as a warning

"Mad Max:Fury Road" has been found to be a future documentary, sent back as a warning. The documentary, originally titled 'Trump's Legacy' was hastily thrown into a time rift which opened as the last nuclear...

Donald Trump’s penis is largest the world has ever seen says Donald Trump

Donald Trump has asked his propaganda secretary, Sean Spicer, to assure The White House press corps that President Trump's penis is "the largest penis in the history of penises. Period!"

Thoughts and prayers shortages in US reaching crisis point

Shortages of thoughts and prayers for the victims of gun violence is said to be reaching crisis point this morning with many dead people in El Paso yet to receive them. Vital supplies of platitudes...

Crooked Hilary Exposed Again

In the wake of the ongoing email scandal, an intrepid Rochdale Herald researcher, Douglas, has uncovered a series of other scandals that the press refuse to pin on crooked Democratic presidential candidate Hilary...
Steve Bannon

Steve Bannon ‘resigns’ to spend more time with his prejudices

Steve Bannon has announced that he'll now have more time to be with his prejudices following his sacking by mutual consent earlier today. A White House communications officer said, "There was prejudice on both sides...

Americans relieved to learn shooter was atheist

Concerned Americans were today relieved to hear that the Texas shooting was carried out by a human rights supporting atheist. Initially, US citizens were horrified to hear that the worst ever mass shooting in Texas...

Terrifying clown in next Stephen King film to be perma-tanned and have a combover

Stephen King took to twitter today to reveal a juicy nugget regarding his next movie project, ’Idiot’, a sequel to ‘It’, will feature a perma-tanned clown with a combover. The orange skinned clown has been...
Dance Off

Kim Jong Un can’t dance, that brother ain’t got no Seoul

“Kim Jong Un? He can’t dance, that brother ain’t got no Seoul. You know I put the rump into Trump babycakes. When I slut drop you know it’s going to be fire and fury on the dance floor.”
Smiling School Children

How about the right not to die at school, ask US school children

In the wake of yet another devastating school shooting on U.S soil, American school goers have stood up to demand an amendment to the U.S constitution to reflect the basic right not to be...
Harvey Weinstein

Harvey Weinstein secures Republican 2020 Presidential Nomination

Harvey Weinstein has officially been nominated by the Republican Party as their candidate to contest the 2020 Presidential Election. Mr Weinstein gained support from a majority of delegates, despite being a Democrat, a former close...
Pope and Trump

Pope Officiates At Funeral For US Democracy

There was not a dry eye in the house today as Donald Trump, and the special ladies in his life, attended the funeral for American democracy held in the Vatican. When you're the President of...

People no longer surprised when Trump acts like a dick again

The repeated outbursts of hatemongering, sabre-rattling or just plain stupidity, emanating from the lips, press statements or usually the tweets, of Donald Trump, have stopped surprising people, it has been confirmed. In a recent survey,...

Trump’s spin doctor quits complaining of dizzy spells

Donald Trump's chief spin doctor Tuesday quit his job in the White House complaining of "dizzy spells". Mike Dubke, who only took up the role three months ago, denied media reports that he had "failed to...

Robert E Lee statue replaced by bronze of obese man in pickup truck holding...

The move comes in order to calm social tensions enraged over the weekend when the savage alt-left attacked a group of peaceful demonstrators merely having a walk with some torches and flags to highlight the importance of freedom of speech.

I only just learned how to spell Scaramucci and he’s been fucking fired, complains...

A highly paid and widely syndicated satirist has complained about the firing of the White House Head of Communications Antony Scarymuchly, as he’s only just learned how to spell Scarrimoochme. “It’s bad enough that this...
Trump Supporters

Trump discovers one weird trick to increasing attendance at his rallies

The White House has confirmed that Donald Trump has found a weird trick to increasing attendance at his rallies. During a speech given to Texas flooding victims Trump said, "Can you believe the size of...

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