Nicola Sturgeon confirms she is yet to read her job description

Nicola Sturgeon made a surprising admission late this afternoon, when she revealed she is yet to read her job description as Scottish First Minister. "Don't look at me sonny." she began her spirited defence.  "Do...
David Cameron

Cameron cronies cry nonsense at cries of Conservative cronyism 

Friends of David Cameron have sprung to his defence today after accusations that his Exit Honours list is an example of cronyism. "Clearly this is nonsense, and just sour grapes, " said Sir Digby McNugget,...

New UKIP leader had hypnotherapy to stop him saying “I”m not a racist, but”...

UKIP’s press officer Ms Gline Garafe reassured a nervous nation today by stating that UKIP’s new leader has undergone hypnotherapy to stop him saying “I'm not a racist, but” in interviews. “Bongo bongo land is...

I am still relevant, insists Nigel Whatsisname

EU milker and former leader of has been political party UKIP, Nigel Farage has gotten all salty after the government refused to give him a job on the say so of his buddy Donald...

Donald Trump shocked Democrat voters also allowed to buy guns

Donald Trump was horrified to learn last night that Democrats are allowed to buy guns after being rushed off stage by Secret Service Agents.

David Brent to sing Equality Street at Trump Inauguration

Following the shock withdrawal of Bruce Springsteen tribute band the B-Street Band from the Trump Inauguration David Brent is thrilled to announce that his band Foregone Conclusion have agreed terms to perform.

The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Simon Danczuk

It's been a fairly typical week for Rochdale's "MP" after he found himself at the centre of another embarrassing shit storm. In another in a series of decisions Simon has lived to regret, which have...

Amazon reports increase in sales of knives and sharpeners in run-up to Conference Season

Politicians up and down the country have been inundating Amazon with orders for back-stabbing knives, hatchets, whetstones and sharpening steels as they ready themselves for the imminent Party Conference Season. An Amazon source confirmed...
Theresa May

Prime Minister Hospitalised After Strong and Stable Seizure

Prime Minister Theresa May was rushed to hospital this evening after suffering what is described as a "strong and stable" seizure. The incident occurred while the Prime Minister was in the middle of a speech...

Patriotic Brexiteer spends £60M on Singapore homes after saving £60M in UK Corporation Tax

Patriotic billionaire Brexiteer, Singapore resident and tax exile James Dyson has just bought a £26M bungalow in Singapore weeks after buying a Penthouse in Singapore for £43M. "Brexit is going to be brilliant for UK...

David Cameron having pigs in blankets for Christmas

A close friend of the Camerons', who wishes to remain anonymous, has said that the former PM 'is looking forward to his Christmas day treat'. One of our undercover reporters went to David Cameron's favourite...

Sending emails much worse than raping children Trump tells supporters

Donald Trump told supporters at a rally today that accusations that Hillary Clinton mishandled emails during her tenure as Secretary of State were much worse than accusations that he has raped at least one...

Losers celebrate election victory

The winners of the 2017 election are despondent today as they downheartedly celebrate their victory. “Yay. Fandabby bloody dozey,” said Conservative Unionist National Tory Society spokesman, Barry Meenow, “The people have spoken. Hurrah. Unfortunately they...
Blue Passport

A blue passport is an integral part of being British, says bloke who’s never...

The great victory that is Brexit has delivered old-style blue passport covers to the grateful people. Rejoicing Brits across the country have been applying in droves. The new passport promises to take Britons back...

Labour conference advised “Don’t mention the Brexit, I mentioned it once but I think...

The Labour Party Conference in Brighton attendees have been advised not to mention the Brexit. They mentioned it once, but they think they got away with it. The call has gone out as the party...
Theresa May (licence)

Brexit means famine, disease and war confirms Theresa May

A rowdy press conference found our embattled Prime Monster under pressure once again. Finally revealing the true meaning of Brexit as famine, disease and war, questions were immediately begged. "That's only three horsemen! What about the...

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