Trump Bed

Donald Trump insists the song “You’re so vain” was written about him

The President of the United States, Donald Trump attended a party in the exclusive Hamptons recently and apparently walked in like he was walking onto a yacht. His hat strategically dipped below one eye and...
Guns for sale

Mass shootings are an unsolvable problem says country with a mass shootings problem

A country that has a really serious problem with deranged lunatics buying really big guns and shooting dozens of strangers has publicly said it has "no idea' how to solve the problem. "We just have...

Spanish bullfighters win inaugural Animal Cruelty World Cup

Spain’s bullfighters have won the inaugural Animal Cruelty World Cup in Brazil, narrowly beating the foxhunters of England in the final. The competition, in which teams from different countries competed to inflict the maximum...

If everyone had nukes we’d all be safe, says Kim Jong-un

Following the awful Las Vegas massacre, the Great Leader of North Korea has barrelled into the ensuing gun control debate. His message came through his mouthpiece state TV channel via the sycophantic, shouty news...

Why does this keep happening, asks country selling guns without doing background checks

A country who sells weapons over the counter to anybody who wants one is stumped at how it can be home to so many fatal shootings. This country has the highest number of gun fatalities...

President Trump In Deep Water Over Puerto Rico

President Donald Trump has found himself in the middle of a storm of controversy recently following his comments about Puerto Rico. At a press conference attended by The Rochdale Herald, President Trump repeatedly slated...

Thank God it was a lone wolf with mental issues and not a terrorist...

More than 50 people have been killed and over 200 injured in a gun attack in Las Vegas, Nevada, today. It has become the worst such attack in recent history with the death toll...

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy wins European Thundercunt of the year award

The Spanish Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy, was thrilled to learn last night that he has won the coveted European Thundercunt of the Year Award after ordering stormtroopers to beat old ladies and shopkeepers black...

We tried democracy and Franco-ly it’s not for us, Spanish government tells voters

The Prime Minister of Spain has told voters that democracy isn't for them and it refuses to recognise the result of a referendum on Catalonian independence. Catalonia, which is Spain's answer to Scotland, has...

How do you solve a problem like Korea?

The world is on the edge of its seat awaiting the next exchange between President of The United Hates of Americaland, Donald J Trump, and communist dictator and universally acknowledged fucktard, Kim Jong Un. With...

Wright brothers blamed for rise in immigration

Criticism has been placed upon two American inventors for the dramatic rise in immigration, it has been confirmed. Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright, who are credited with the creation of the first successful aeroplane, have...

We tried democracy and frankly it’s not for us, Spanish government tells voters

The Prime Minister of Spain has told voters that democracy isn't for them and it refuses to recognise the result of a referendum on Catalonian independence. Catalonia, which is Spain's answer to Scotland, has...
White House

Playboy bunnies to be re-homed at The Whitehouse

After the sad passing of millionaire feminist Hugh (the Hef) Hefner the dilemma of what to do with the dozens of now ownerless and homeless Playboy Bunnies looks like it could be solved thanks...

People attending reading of Hefner’s last will only doing so for the articles

Various well known public figures, and nobodies, have announced today they intend to be at the reading of Hugh Hefner’s last will and testament, but only for the legal articles, not, they claim, to...

Pornhub to hide videos between pages of print for 24hrs in tribute to Hefner

Online mega porn hub, Pornhub, has announced it will hide every video on its webpage between pages of unnecessary print journalism for twenty four hours in tribute to Playboy tycoon Hugh Hefner, who has...

Donald Trump Is Disappearing Up His Own Arse

American scientists confirmed last night that US President, Donald Trump, is close to completely disappearing up his own arse. Professor Steven Sigmoid of the US Institute for Sphincteral Studies told The Rochdale...

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