Leave voters incensed as EU threatens to take away Continental summer weather

Leave voters voiced their anger today as the EU threatened to take away the Continental weather that sees England baking in sunshine and heat normally only felt on package holidays in Continental Europe. Jean-Claude Junker...

MP’s take well deserved autumn break after sorting out all UK’s problems

Westminster is demob happy today as hundreds of MPs pack their bags and await their family’s driver to come and collect them for half term. “I barely recall what my family looks like,” one excited...
Man on Toilet

Theresa May accuses Corbyn of using ‘Fake Poos’ to attack the Government and damage...

A damning Government report, and therefore it's Theresa May saying it, has accused men, and therefore by inclusion Jeremy Corbyn, of using Fake Poos to attack the Government and damage the UK economy. The report says men...
Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson granted protected geographical status by EU just like a Jersey potato

The EU has announced this morning that it has listed Boris Johnson as a product of the United Kingdom with protected geographical status, just like a Jersey Royal potato. The move to safeguard Mr Johnson’s...

Terror in the skies Part 2

The editor of The Rochdale Herald was left horrified aboard a flight to Rhodes yesterday after reading an article in a copy of The Telegraph he "found". "Most undergrads can't tell the difference between Burgundy and...
Boris Johnson

Loathsome Tory bastard calls for end to public sector pay cap

Boris Johnson has taken the lead in the call to end the public sector pay cap in response to the clear mandate delivered by the people on June 8th. A noted humanitarian, deeply concerned with...
Rock Paper Scissors

Trump and Putin fail to beat each other in two hour long rock, paper,...

Presidents Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin met face to face for the first time in public yesterday and went for each other in a rock, paper, scissor handshake test. The world’s media were watching and...

Woman always repeating “no meal is better than a bad meal” now dining alone

A woman who keeps saying “no meal is better than a bad meal” to the people she’s supposed to have dinner with dined alone last night while being at a table full of other...

Computer driven people are a menace say self-driven cars

Over the last ten years or so, humans have been becoming more and more computer-driven. Cars are speaking out against this worrying trend. In a response to the first major accident caused by the mistake...

Antarctical 50 signed, Bergxit means Bergxit

Today an area four times the size of London has broken away from the Antarctic landmass. It is a worrying example of rising sea temperatures causing the parts of the Antarctic land mass to...

Sturgeon First Reserve for Brexit Talks Peter Duncan

Theresa May has committed to involving all "key stakeholders and significant leaders" in a working group on the UK's Brexit strategy.

Corbyn stands on box labelled Schrödinger’s jobs brexit at Labour conference

The Labour conference in Brighton today will feature an entertaining diversion when national treasure Jeremy Corbyn takes to the stage and stands on a wooden box labelled Schrödinger’s Jobs Brexit, but refuses to look...

Corbyn supporters call for reselection of Copeland constituency

After Labour's marginal win in Stoke and devastating Loss in Copeland by elections, Left wing Labour supporters are calling for reselection of the constituency. Speaking to disappointed and angry Corbynistas, we got the following statements: "At first I thought...

Santa under pressure to explain unfair listing system

The popular dispenser of Christmas gifts, Santa Claus, has come under pressure today to explain the process behind the compilation of his Naughty and Nice List.  The list has always been kept secret from the...
London Marathon

Confusion and Discomfort as Marathon forces Londoners to support and talk to one another

Mass confusion ensued at the London Marathon today, as London dwellers cast off their stony facades and began to talk to one another. 'I started watching the Marathon and I don't know what came over...

Government approves £118M fire safety upgrade, including sprinklers, for the Houses of Parliament

Britain's greatest female Prime Minister, announced in a key note speech, that her Government has learned the lessons of Grenfell.  £118 million has been committed to urgently address fire safety issues. "Since we took back...

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