ISIS Second In Command Killed Again

The Daily Express has reported for the eighth time this month the death of so called Islamic State's second in command. "He was killed by drone" said the article. "Probably." The news comes after the leader...
Marxist Bedwetter

John Lewis advert “Darkly Sinister”

John Lewis, purveyors of things that ultimately no one needs or wants, has made everything better with a darkly sinister tale about a black family that buys a trampoline which immediately gets shat on...

Universal Tax Credit not as funny as reductive jokes about benefit cuts complain satirists

The National Union of Terrible Satirists, or NUTS, released a statement today complaining that it's almost impossible to make jokes about Universal Tax Credit because it's too bloody complicated.

Reality blamed for increase of violence on television

Recent studies by a team at Oxford University have found potential links between reality and the increasing portrayal of graphic violence on TV. Many of the most popular television shows worldwide, including ratings giants The...

Piers Morgan distraught after accidentally flushing article down the bog

He'd just logged on Vox populi Piers Morgan (yeah I used Latin, deal with it, what comic do you think you're reading, the Mail?) has been left distraught after accidentally flushing an article down the...

Rochdale Herald issues cease and desist warning against The Southend News Network

The editorial department at The Rochdale Herald was in uproar this afternoon after one of the biggest names in satirical local news blatantly ripped off their ripped off meme of Jeremy Corbyn on an...
The Canary Website

Why isn’t the media reporting UK government mass genocide? Asks The Canary

The Canary has today revealed what the mainstream media (msm) won't. That the Tory led Government have committed mass genocide in a bid to get rid of the poor. An editorial by Che Leon Bukharin-Pinochet...

Gary Lineker to present MOTD in bejewelled jockstrap if BBC scrap gender pay gap

Following the release of salaries of high profile staff at the BBC one of the highest paid stars has vowed to make a stand. Former England captain, TV presenter, people's Poet, sliced potato salesman and...

Let’s Get Ready to TUMBLE!

Things just got real in the editorial bunker at The Rochdale Herald after those soft southern satirist impersonators at The Southend News Network went legal in the Mr Tumble plagiarism row. The letter which was...

Scientists prove dementia risk reduced by not reading The Sun

Scientists at the Rochdale Institute for Cerebral Health have released the results of a long running study into dementia and how not reading The Sun is thought to reduce the risk. A claim supported...
Daily Express Readers

Daily Express launches Diana 20th anniversary commemorative sticker album

The Daily Express and Panini have announce the launch of a commemorative sticker album for the 20th anniversary of the late Princess Diana. Express readers will be given the opportunity to purchase the album for...

Study finds 112% of people can’t tell difference between real and fake news

A study by the prestigious department of Idiocy and General Fuckwittery at the World famous Rochdale Community University has revealed that between 111% and 112% of all people who use social media can't tell the difference between real and fake news.

Katie Hopkins reluctantly buys conventional toilet after running out of platforms to shit from.

Katie Hopkins has been spotted in the bathroom section of Homebase today, after being forced to find a conventional way to dispose of her excrement. Despite several years of various media outlets offering her extravagant...
Jeremy Corbyn

A politician’s ex definitely unbiased source, insist BBC 

To prove they're balanced and fair, the BBC have asked Jeremy Corbyn's ex wife for her totally independent and unbiased view on the Labour Leadership challenge. "There's no reason to think that the previous partner...
Bomb Squad

Suspicious package at Daily Mail confirmed as charity collection box

The suspicious package at Daily Mail HQ is a charity collection box for Syrian refugees.  No-one is quite sure how it got there but it’s been confirmed by security services to contain nothing but 16p and a sweet...
Ross and Rachel

Chilcot Report reveals Ross and Rachel WERE on a break

With the kind of speed, thoroughness and ability to keep his finger on Britain’s zeitgeist that has come to be expected from him, the Chilcott report into Ross and Rachel’s ‘Break’ has finally been...

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