Only alternative to catastrophic Tory Brexit is catastrophic Labour Brexit says Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has sought to reassure Labour Party members fearful of a catastrophic Tory Brexit that a Labour Brexit will be just as hard and catastrophic. Speaking to the press Corbyn said, "It'll be great....
Marxist Bedwetter

Opinions of Entitled Marxist Bedwetters No Longer Valued says LSE

Social Science lecturers from the LSE were told they would not be asked to contribute to government work and analysis on Brexit.

Nuttall Lost Close Personal Friends When They Discovered He Was An Arsehole

UKIP leader Paul Nuttall lost 'close personal friends' when they discovered he was a bigoted, racist arsehole. “People started to shun me and sometimes even turned their backs on me when I walked into a...

Labour MP Needs To Bathe In Ocean

Wanky-named cod impersonator and Labour MP Thangar Debonairre (ironically in charge of modern culture!) was recently told to "Get in the sea," by a student of Bristol University. The Labour MP then reported this as...
Adolf Hitler

Hitler “off his tits on smack” claims book

A new book about Chaplin-tached proto-Trump, Adolf Hitler, has claimed that he and his fetishist cohorts were totally out of their shiny bonces on drugs. According to Norman Ohler, the Jew hating Germany Firsters spent...

Violent EDL member embarrassed to be snapped with right wing racist thug

Andy Edge, a former Stockport English Defence League leader convicted of violent disorder at a 2014 protest, was pictured giving the thumbs up with UKIP's NHS hating, vile hate preacher, Paul Nuttall. In a statement, an...

Labour Unveil New All White Party Flag

Thanks to Labour another Article 50 bill amendment that would have risked empowering the British people, who are now known to be idiots, has been defeated in the Lords. The amendment would have required another...

Pothead Calls Kettle Black; Clinton Challenges Trump To TV Drug Blowout

Trump Challenges Clinton To Drug Test Prior To Next Debate - Clinton Lashes Back With Drug Taking Contest Challenge US Election 2016; Following Donald Trump's sensational accusation that Hillary Clinton looked 'a bit spliffed up on dope...

?Britain First & UKIP oddly quiet about white family abusing student visa rules

Quite why the public aren't offended by the white, middle class family trying to buck the immigration system is baffling academics as anti-immigration campaigners are strangely quiet about an Australian family who came to...

Anarchists angered at police refusal to follow rules

A group of Rochdale anarchists have been telling the Herald about the treatment they received at the hands of the German police at the recent G20 protests.  The anarchists are members of Rochdale group, Dissidence...

Nuttall loses close personal seats in election disaster

Accident prone Paul Nuttall, leader of UKIP, faced fresh tragedy today after learning that all his ‘close personal seats’ were lost in an election catastrophe. Grim-faced Paul had returned home after spending time on the...
Amber Rudd

BBC warns reporters against mispronouncing Leadsom as loathsome

 The BBC's all powerful pronunciation department Tuesday issued a red letter warning to reporters over mispronouncing the surname of Leader of the House of Cards Angela Leadsom, as "loathsome". "We realise that in the heat...
Smiling Liam Fox

Liam Fox Claims UK First in Queue for Scottish Trade Deal

Liam Fox has sparked rumours that the Scottish Independence Referendum planned for 2018 was a foregone conclusion this afternoon. The furore began when Mr. Fox took questions at an arms exhibition in Bahrain. Asked by a reporter...

Diversify portfolio to survive inflation Tories tell poor

As news of inflation fears hits the headlines this week with pundits telling us that inflation will hit food prices the hardest the government has issued advice for the poor on how to survive inflation.

Trump Outraged To Learn of Invention of Phonograph

Taking to Twitter, So Called President Trump rounded on critics of his administration within the media, and their underhand strategy of recording stuff. "Edison fake American. Not an inventor. Not a patriot. Beeswax UNAMERICAN. Filthy trick. Media...
Blair Middle East Refugees

The Middle East starts packing as Blair hints at return to politics

The Oxford English definition of irony, former Middle East Peace Envoy, Tony Blair, suggested a political return may be on the cards in a magazine interview published earlier today. The comments came in reference to...

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