News broke over the weekend of a shocking Brexit betrayal by the weak Labour leadership that has seen Brexit racists OUTRAGED.

Keir Starmer, never one to be trusted, took to MSM to begin flimflamming about the vitally important need to get out of the tyrannical trading relationship with the EU as soon as humanly possible.

Several MPs from Labour’s northern heartlands and some guy called Daryl Hannah (MEP) were quick to lambast the treacherous softening of Labour’s stance just because of reality.

“We just need to get on with it and leave.” Daryl affirmed on this morning’s Today programme on BBC radio 4.

“When you decide to leave someone do you think about where you’re going and do you linger packing bags? No. You insult them with their shortcomings and how it’s all their fault and they deserve what’s happening. Then you get out the door as fast as you can and pitch up on the doorstep of an ex who hasn’t heard from you in decades. That’s what leaving a bad marriage means. After that you demand all the CDs you bought together because that’s your right.”

For his part Starmer had some words and then other words to do with not falling off a cliff into economic ruin, but anyone who’s ever fallen off a cliff at Dover can tell you that if you time it right the sea is waiting below.

“We just need to choose the right cliff to fall off.” Hannah advised. “Clearly any cliff facing the Irish Sea is a bit useless as they all love being told what to do by Merkel over there. Falling off a cliff above Scotland? Don’t make me laugh. I’m going to fall at Dover and moon the beleaguered and falling EU as I wait for the soft cushion of watery trading relationships that will break my fall.”

It’s believed Labour’s shift will only embolden the cowards in the government’s own backbenches who have some insane idea that catastrophic economic and diplomatic harm brought about wilfully will not help Britain strike new trade deals on April Fool’s Day 2019 when we’re finally free of the sclerotic and suffocating death dance of the EU.

These people need to buck up those ideas and understand what Global Britain means. If they can’t answer the question they won’t be allowed back into the UK once we’re free.