You guys are incredible. Less than twelve hours ago we learned through Angry People in Local Newspapers that the gift appeal for poor children in Fife was struggling to find gifts for 600 children.
Today you heroes have sent them almost 700 presents since lunchtime! It’s just unbelievable, these kids are going to have such a tremendous surprise. The organisers of the campaign are going to have a full warehouse of presents to give out this time tomorrow when this morning they were convinced they were going to be disappointing hundreds of children.
When we called Burnley Salvation Army in Burnley to let them know that anonymous donors around the country and the world had spent thousands of pounds on gifts and that they could expect to start receiving them today we were met at first with disbelief and then with tears.
Tomorrow we will be buying more presents for Rotherham, Burnley, Southend, Manchester and West Yorkshire. We’re going to continue running and supporting this with our friends at NewsThump, Tuckered, Angry People, Southend News Network, Rotherham Bugle, Radio Aire, Key 103FM, Eagle FM, Rather FM, Rochdale Giving Back, The Salvation Army, Mission Christmas and Barnardos.

We are almost at 10,000 gifts, but we want to do more!
Donating couldn’t be any easier, please visit and choose a present from our Amazon gift list (yes we know it’s Amazon, please don’t use somebody else’s tax avoidance to avoid sending a prezzie) and choose the gift registry address on checkout. Amazon will ship directly to the people distributing to children who need the gifts.
It really could not be any easier, we have unscientifically chosen loads of presents we liked the look of to suit all budgets. Pick one, buy it and give yourself the warm glow of deed well done.
Merry Christmas and thank you for sharing. Every share of this appeal generates dozens of gifts and the same goes for retweets on twitter.
Thanks to Kate Kinsella, Will Black, Jason Manford, Katy Brand, Private Eye Magazine, David Schneider, Kim Wilde, Dan Walker and too many others to mention for taking the time to retweet and support this campaign. We have four days left.