Hard-hitting documentary Doctor Who, dedicated to exposing the harsh reality of spontaneously-regenerating Time Lords, has become ‘a laughing stock ruined by periods’, agree internet experts.
Men with access to a computer have unanimously agreed that the long-running exposé of a disappearing phone box has been ‘made to look silly’ now that the doctor could potentially have to sit down to have a wee.
“Even though the programme never actually shows the Doctor’s genitals, I think we can all agree that we’ve thought about them a lot”, shouted angry bald man Stephen, 42. “Women have a vagina, apparently, and that’s just going to make a mess. What’s next, a disabled Muslim lesbian immigrant living next door? My licence fee’s not paying for that.”
“How am I supposed to take a battle against levitating robots controlled by an alien squid seriously if the Doctor hasn’t even got testicles. Honestly.”