President Trump is set to to release a Manifesto on his first 100 in days in office on the eve of his inauguration, a move unprecedented in US politics.

“It’s ludicrous what he has in there” said Senator Chuck Alderley.

“He’s just one man, he can’t push half the stuff he wants through Congress. It’s impossible, laughable even”

In a leaked email we believe to have received a draft of the document;

* Abolish Elections:

For the safety of the American people, presidential terms will run indefinitely without the distraction of challanges.

*Illegalise Political Opposition:

President Trump won by a majority, American citizens don’t need the distraction of choice.

*State Run Media 

The media lied about Mr. Trump throughout his campaign. Taking control of the free press will ensure there’s no more lies.

*New Indentification System 

For public safety all ethnities and religions will be marked by various badges that people will need to wear.

These are just some of the proposals from the extensive list expected to be released by President Trump.

A close aide to the president, who wishes to remain anonymous, said;

“They say he can’t do it, that it needs votes and stuff but Mr. Trump is clever. He told me they can’t vote with nowhere to vote and that he has a private army of gun holders so no one’s gonna stand in his way.”