Donald Trump was horrified to learn last night that Democrats are allowed to buy guns after being rushed off stage by Secret Service Agents.

The second amendment reads;

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Which came as something of a surprise to Donald who is the first presidential candidate yet to read the constitution in the history of the United States.

Barack Obama told The Rochdale Herald during a one on one basketball session at The White House that “the Second Amendment is there to stop the government imposing tyranny on the people. Ironic huh?”

“The 2nd amendment is there to stop a government imposing tyranny? That’s kind of our whole vibe. Are you sure?” Donald asked Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

Trump is thought to be collaborating with anti-gun Supreme Court Justices to remove guns from all citizens on November 9th who have a 401k account, are women, don’t have a pro-Trump bumper sticker or live in a house without wheels.