Tim Farron spoke of his relief this evening as he accepted Theresa May’s offer of a coalition government on the condition of an anti-Brexit agenda.

Cleverly Farron avoided discussion of tuition fees during the election campaign and was able to state with a clear conscience,

“I have accepted the Prime Minister’s offer in the rose garden this evening on the condition that she u-turns on Brexit. Which she has gracefully agreed to do, stating it was never her position to begin with.”

Mr Farron did concede that having to agree to a trebling of tuition fees to thirty thousand pounds a year at payday interest rates was a small price to pay for the youth to remain in the EU.”

For her part Theresa May said the following; “The lady is for turning and the people have spoken. I have already written article 69 which rescinds article 50 and places Junker’s arse directly on my face.”

The people have spoken indeed.