A joke posted on Twitter yesterday has met with a complete lack of offence for the first time in history.

The joke which reads “Most of my ideas are conceived while on Facebook- like most babies in Essex,” was posted by user Duckphace, who deleted his account after the non incident.

“I thought I was getting somewhere with Twitter,” said the amateur comedian from Rochdale, “It got retweeted and favourited but what use is that without some wanker going off on one? Not one person called me an insensitive **** I don’t see how I can carry on.”

Twitter have apologised to their users for allowing something that didn’t offend anybody at all to be published. 

“We’re reviewing our processes,” a spokesbot told us, “but unfortunately the target of the joke in this instance- people from Essex- didn’t even realise they were being mocked. They assumed it was a statement of fact. We’re really very sorry for any offence not caused by this issue.”

Meanwhile several evangelical Christian groups are citing this as a sign of the end times and coming apocalypse.