Sacha Baron-Cohen has expressed amazement that no one has twigged that he is the man behind the character ‘Jeremy Corbyn’.

“I wanted to play with the frankly preposterous idea of a proper socialist trying to become leader of the modern Labour Party.” said the Ali G and Borat creator Sacha Baron Cohen.

“So when they had the leadership contest to replace David Milliband, or Ed Balls or whoever it was, I found this obscure Labour back-bencher with a history of failing to follow the Labour whip and persuaded him to retire to his allotment. I then took his place using my trademark ‘honestly you’d never guess that was Sacha Baron-Cohen’ make-up and announced his/ my candidacy.”

“I never expected him/me to get elected and frankly although the joke’s gone way too far already, that’s never bothered me before.”

“Even all the hoaxed pictures of me/him with Gerry Adams or laying a wreath near some terrorist graves haven’t worked nor has the carefully calculated flirting with anti-semitism. I/he am still in great danger of becoming Prime Minister. I’m planning a big reveal at the party conference where I own up to ‘not being all I appear’, whip off the latex ‘me as Corbyn’ mask I’m having made to reveal me made up as Tony Blair.”

“I’m expecting at least half of Momentum to spontaneously combust.”