Left wing idiots are are as gullible as right wing idiots scientists at Rochdale Community University Bullshit Studies Department have discovered.

Dr Barry Barlow conducted a study of idiots and plotted the results on a chart according to their political beliefs.

“The idiots who are on the far left believed pretty much any lie that supported their agenda. Theresa May is an extra-terrestrial lizard who feeds on babies, Jeremy Corbyn was the architect of the Good Friday agreement, John McDonnell has accurately costed his manifesto and Labour won’t sell the Union to the SNP to get into power were all lies universally believed by people who think Corbyn would be a good Prime Minister. Crazy right?”

His co-author on the project, Professor Rabbi Williams went on to explain;

“That’s nothing! The idiots who are on the far right are just as gullible if not more. Theresa May has a human soul, £350 million a week for the NHS, Brexit won’t be an unmitigated catastrophe, all Muslims are terrorists and Corbyn planted the Brighton Bomb not Paddy McGee were all universally believed by people who think Boris Johnson is a good Foreign Secretary. It’s pretty scary.”

The groundbreaking research discovered that an enormous number of people are complete fucknuggets when it comes to believing pithy soundbites that support their position.

“The keyword is idiot, it doesn’t really matter what your core beliefs are if you are fundamentally a gullible idiot who can’t be arsed with fact checking.”

“If you read the Guardian and the Independent you should probably also read The Telegraph and The Times and vice versa. The truth might be somewhere in the middle if you’re lucky. But probably not.”

He went on to explain that the truth used to be out there l, but he isn’t so sure anymore.

“I blame Facebook” he said.

Quentin D Fortesqueue is a founding editor of The Rochdale Herald. Part time amateur narcissist and full time satirist Quentin is never happier than when playing his lute and drinking a full bodied Bordeaux. He rarely plays the lute and never gets to drink Bordeaux.