It’s three weeks till the nation goes to the polls for the third time in three years and the media coverage is increasing and the tension is bubbling like Tim Farron’s bongwater.

Incessant coverage, conflicting opinions and unbiased media articles are at a high. Social media is also not immune to this with many hilarious memes, sensible articles, insightful comments, and some thought provoking stuff. Oh, and Newsthump.

It seems that not everybody is happy with the political saturation on their news feed and some people are asking their friends to tone it down and stick to apolitical posts about cats, football and pictures of their meals.

A campaign was started by one such person who has petitioned Facebook to take action and it appears now they have.

From tomorrow there will be a new emoji to use when liking posts, it’s a picture of an ostrich burying its head in the sand. The creator of the petition, Turner Blindeye, spoke to us about the changes:

“It’s about time that people use Facebook for what it should be used for had a voice and this is a great start. instead of having to tell people to stop talking about the decision they have to make on 8th June they can just click on the bird and that will put a stop to people who give a toss about the state of the nation trying to discuss matters or even worse convincing people to vote.

When will people realise that politics is irrelevant and we should just let the government get on with it. I don’t need it, I have a busy life with a four year old and another kid on the way, juggling two jobs and a mortgage to pay for. What motivation have I got to vote?”