Television and radio opinion blower Jeremy Vine was subjected to a road rage incident while cycling to work in London yesterday. 

He was followed and accosted by the driver of a car who believed he had not left enough room for her to pass. Recorded on Mr Vines headcam, the footage shows a woman getting out of her car and swearing at him. Jeremy then brought on fellow cyclist Colin from Barking to give his opinion on what happened.  

“Well it’s out of order for drivers to behave like that isn’t it? I see it every day. Shouldn’t be allowed. I pay my taxes. Where were the police?”

But to bring utterly polarised balance to the situation Jeremy then spoke to Mavis, a driver from Tooting who said,

“Well it’s out of order for cyclists to behave like that isn’t it? I see it every day. Shouldn’t be allowed. I pay my taxes. Where were the police?”

Jeremy then spoke to cycling expert Sir Chris Hoy who said “Cyclists and Drivers need to find a way to get along”. 

Jeremy then cuts to a heartwarming aside about a young child with cancer of the little fingernail and speaks to Doris, someone with too much time on her hands from Dorking, who said “when I voted for Brexit I thought all the cancer would have been deported by now. It’s just scum isn’t it Jeremy?”