Everyone in the world looked at each other and asked “what the hell” yesterday after the temerity of a former political leader’s comments on Brexit displayed a stunning lack of self awareness.

National Grid confirmed they were running out of the electricity required to measure hypocrisy levels after the war mongerer, former Middle East peace envoy and prime minister Tony Blair had the audacity to call something else ‘an historic mistake’.

The comments prompted the extraordinary step of briefly halting dissonance between hard left remainers & far right leavers for about a minute and a half, before they re-took to Twitter to continue “fighting the good fight” of their noble, noble causes.

Remainer Gemma Drops, 30 who was busy arguing with her grandad over his gratuitous use of the ‘N’ word, said she was in agreement with the statement, but was taken aback when told who they originated from.

‘HE actually said that? Wow! I mean, it’s not that I don’t agree with the sentiment of what he’s saying, but for Tony B Liar to accuse anything of being an mistake, especially an historic one – hello!?! Wake up and smell the weapons of mass deception!!’

Leaver Gavin Stayt, 48, stopped drawing his made up graph of net immigration to comment ‘He’s got more front than the peoples front of Judea that lad – that’s like the pot calling the kettle black while looking at its brass gonads in the mirror, or something like that.’ Before returning to add a vertical line to his graph.

With the comments continuing to go viral, Canadian songstress Alanis Morrisette crawled out of obscurity to jump on the bandwagon, revealing plans to rework her 90’s gibberish classic ‘Ironic’ to include reference to Blair’s comments, until someone kindly pointed out it was probably more hypocritical than ironic.

She did it anyway.