Prince William has appeared at the BBC and spoken out against the inaction of social media firms. He said in a statement statement that they aren’t doing enough to counteract fake news. It’s alleged that this is to cover up the numerous affairs he’s having.
A source told us, “William and Kate appeared on the BBC all smiles. But the rumours are that they staged the moon landing in order to distract people from the vast alien civilisations that everyone knows live on Mars.”
Mr Wales, is alleged to have turned up for the interview with a child catching sack. He then went on to explain that global warming is an existential threat despite loads of people like Nigel Lawson saying it isn’t. He also parroted the big pharma lies about vaccination being beneficial despite everyone knowing that it causes gout.
He didn’t say anything about the alleged incident that appeared to show him karate chopping a pensioner, taking the corpse away and feasting on its blood.
Mr Wales has consistently denied rumours of an affair between him and several actresses but where there’s smoke there’s usually fire so we’ll leave that up to you.