Tube Chat Badges given out to travellers on the London Underground to encourage people to talk more are said to be a surprising success, according to some reports today.

The badges, which are not supplied by TFL, have the words “Tube Chat?” on them to indicate the wearer is keen to chat with fellow commuters.

“I put mine on as soon as I got it at 07:29 precisely and I have been chatting nonstop ever since,” said Mortimer Gobb, from Tooting, “Mostly with people asking why I resent them the only time they get to themselves. Or asking me what kind of creepy pervert I am and if I believe I will still want to chat with my teeth knocked out. But it’s a start!”

Not everyone agrees. Several of the volunteers giving out the badges are said to be spending the afternoon in hospital having thousands of the items unpinned from their mouths.

“People just need to learn to be friendly again,” says Mortimer, “I gave badges to a pair of Mormon Elders earlier and we had a wonderful chat! Although after ten minutes they both took them off and started reading. And one put earphones in. But these things happen, don’t they?”