It has emerged this week that the U.S. military spend approximately £63 million annually on the popular medication which aids erectile dysfunction.

This baffling finding raises all manner of questions, primarily; why? The result seems to be almost equally as strange as the discovery itself, with the unlikely scenario of, then President, George W. Bush Jr., misunderstanding a request.

Back in 2004, George W. Bush Jr. was brought information regarding the quality of training for American troops. The outcome he was presented with concluded that although the personnel has the best equipment and resources of any army, the soldiers themselves were somewhat lacking, physically and mentally. The appeal to Bush came when the Secretary of Defense asked for additional kit and training in order for the fighters to “be hard, like a Rochdale lass”.

The confusion lead to Bush approving the purchase of tens of millions of little blue pills, with the goal of America having the hardest army in the world. This was sure to have happened, just not how they imagined.However, following such a huge misinterpretation by the leader of the free world, Presidents Obama and Trump have since insisted that the move was a stroke of genius. They have even gone as far to continue the bizarre trend.

Fortunately, for Bush, this is not too far from the truth as there has been extensive research into further uses for the drug. As it turns out, aiding PTSD is one, which comes in handy for the military, sparing blushes throughout the U.S. Defense leadership ranks.