Police Officers in Bumshart Nebrahoma were furious to discover that recruitment posters around the town had been defaced with pictures of Donald Trump.

The multi-million pound recruitment drive in the book free town of Bumshart was instigated two months ago. The plan is to recruit hundreds of new officers for a new crack division called “The Blue Shirts”.

The Blue Shirts, named after the distinctive blue shirts they wear under their Kevlar body armour, are being recruited to improve race relations in the town.

New recruits will be issued with a color chart, a Glock 22, a Remington 870 Shotgun, a Colt M4 Carbine, a Tazer, Pepper Spray, a baton, handcuffs, a Kevlar vest, spare ammunition and a bible. The training program involves signing an X on a form and shooting a target from 12 feet on a shooting range.

Crack Blue Shirt Officers will be responsible for issuing parking tickets, routine traffic stops and “thinning the herd” by racially profiling teenagers and shooting them dead. This is regardless of whether or not they are complying with instructions. The model has been working well for Police departments in Charlotte and Tulsa and looks set to be rolled out across America by 2017.

Rumours that the local branch of The Boy Scouts of America were rebranding as The Trump Youth are said to be untrue, at the moment.