He’s just a rich boy, didn’t give a fuck about anybody.
Easy come, easy go, we guess. In disappointing news for fans of the White House Trumpan Show, the hot new star brought in to bolster flagging ratings has been let go after just 10 days. Anthony Scaramucci was introduced in S1 E07 Panic! At the Disco, as a hilariously shit Malcom Tucker rip off, and actually, despite being American, was genuinely quite funny.
Who can forget that image of Steve Bannon trying to suck his own cock, fat lips reaching forward, buoyed by a mass of jaundiced flesh, as he pushed his feet up against the bathroom sink, bringing the salty taste of victory ever closer? Not the Herald and we have been eye bathing in Cillit Bang.
We guess it’s too late, his time has come. But, it sends shivers down our spine and we’re truly aching all the time, because he was comedy gold. I mean we could have just cut and paste the stuff he said into this WordPress site, sat here with our feet up and watched the ad revenue come in. It would have been like being HuffPost, only funnier. Easy money, minimal work.
Shit, and his tweets were great too. Ah man, we could have ripped that shit off and embedded it like we were the Poke, and damn, we could have coined it.
Goddamn it Trump.
Here we are, trying raise money for charities that you would hate, and you shut our gravy train down. Fuck you man. Beelzebub has a devil put aside for you.