The Women’s Institute are lobbying  the Health Secretary demanding that Viagra only be available through prescription and after consultation with a Doctor.

Recent changes bought in by the medical watchdog, MHRA, mean Viagra can now be purchased over the counter. This has saved many men the embarrassment of telling their doctor about their sexual disfunction. Pfizer have reported a rapid rise in sales of the drug, in the Rochdale area. An investigation into the cause of these rising sales concluded men were often reluctant to go to the Doctor and, once there, even more reluctant to tell the Doctor they couldn’t get it up.

Understandably their reluctance to discuss this with their Doctor limited supply. Now that Viagra can be easily purchased over the counter, the men of Rochdale are re-discovering their sex drive and the ladies are not best pleased.

Mrs Tracy Hooters (47) explained she still loved her husband but he was not quite the dashing figure she had married. Over the years he lost his hair, gained weight and has taken to spending his leisure time in the saloon bar of the Cheeky Pheasant. He seemed to derive his pleasure from drinking, eating and a good bowel movement. Sexual contact was infrequent best, and this suited her nicely.

Alan Hooters (53) was in his local chemist, purchasing pile cream, when he spotted the advert for Viagra and thought well, why not? He told me, “I am not as young as I once was, and I am a bit out of shape so, if it worked, it would be a nice treat for the little lady.”

He has taken to popping the little blue pill an hour before he comes home from the pub. Tracy described such encounters as, ‘like being wooed by Jabba the Hutt holding a chipolata’. She went on to clarify this was usually a brief encounter, ending with Alan sitting in front of the TV watching Match of the Day.

Now, he seemed to think he was the legend of Ron Jeremy, and quite frankly she was fed up with it. She said “The last thing I need is to fend off the amorous attentions of a fat, bald, middle-aged man, smelling of beer, chips and pickled onions. George Clooney, he is not.”

When she explained her predicament to the ladies of the Rochdale WI, she discovered she was not alone. Many in the WI movement, across the country, were having the same experiences. She went on to explain that the WI movement isn’t just about jam making. It’s about campaigning on important woman’s issues and this was “bloody important”.

After comparing notes, the Rochdale WI decided it was the governments fault for licensing the drug for over the counter sales, in the first place. The WI want the decision reversed and have written to the Health Secretary asking him for a formal policy review.

Mrs Hooters explained, “If Jeremy Hunt want’s my husband to get laid so badly he is welcome to come round here and give it a go.” She added, “Once the lazy sods have to go back and ask the doctor for a prescription, we can all go back to normal and all this nonsense can stop.” She went on to ask, “Have you seen how much it costs for a packet of Viagra? That is a lot of batteries, that is.”