The British mobility scooter industry has warned that it could see a huge drop in production of mobility scooters following the introduction of the Government’s sugar tax.
The warning came on the day the tax was implemented making sugary drinks more expensive. Stan Still said, “We’ve just invested in a new factory. This tax could cripple us. At least 60% of our business is due to rising obesity levels.”
And it’s not just the mobility scooter industry. Loads of our readers have been getting in touch.
Juicy Jenny told us, “Why are they taxing sugary drinks? The murder rate keeps going up and all they can do is tax drinks. They should tax guns and knives.”
Enoch_was_right said, “This is all to generate more cash to give to illegal immigrants and backward third world countries and benefit scams.”
Bert684 said, “My kids go to a Catholic school. They get loads of exercise and are really slim. It’s exercise that should be encouraged.”
Other readers have got in contact predicting an imminent apocalypse. Ray666 said, “What worries me is when all these people addicted to sugar get desperate. The mugging and robbery rate will go through the roof.”
Some people have been pointing out that this plays into the Government’s hands. Now everyone will start drinking water and expose themselves to Fluoride. The Government can control people then. Just Google “Nazis Fluoride mind control” was what we were told by Henry 1890.
There were also dismissals of the idea that obesity causes diabetes. One lady told us she weighed 40 stone but had no diabetes.