Christmas is officially ruined after the managing director of a local advertising agency was caught by his wife bonking his secretary on Christmas Eve.

Father of two Harry, 52 and a bit, was confronted by his wife Karen after the school nativity play and he really didn’t do a good job of denying it.

“Well that’s this Christmas fucked.” Harry told The Rochdale Herald. “I’ve really taken a crap on the carpet this time. My mother-in-law is coming to visit too, it’s frosty with her at the best of times but when she finds out about this Christmas lunch is going to be really uncomfortable.”

“I wasn’t expecting to be sleeping with one eye open tonight and I certainly wasn’t expecting to looking for somewhere to live on Boxing Day. It’s not like I can even move in with my secretary, she lives with her mum.”

“Note to self, if you’re going to buy your bit on the side a necklace lock it in a drawer at the office don’t take it home. That’s got to be the most expensive necklace ever bought.”

“Half my advertising agency, the house, half my pension and all my money. What a knob.”

Long suffering Karen told The Rochdale Herald: “He’s been a grumpy twat for bloody months. I should have known. I was thinking of chucking him out a while back. He buys me a fucking Joanie Mitchell CD and his girlfriend a necklace. If the tight bastard had bought me a necklace too then I’d have been none the wiser.”

“This Christmas is going to be rubbish, but next year I’m going to spend it in the South of France in the house I’m going to buy after I take the last of Harry’s money off him.”

Quentin D Fortesqueue is a founding editor of The Rochdale Herald. Part time amateur narcissist and full time satirist Quentin is never happier than when playing his lute and drinking a full bodied Bordeaux. He rarely plays the lute and never gets to drink Bordeaux.