A former Scotland Yard detective has told the Rochdale herald he was “shocked” by the amount of legal pornography viewed on a computer seized from the Commons office of senior Tory MP
Lewis Neil examined the device during an inquiry into government leaks. He said “an absolute fuck tonne” of thumbnail images of completely legal pornography were on it.
“Legal! I was astonished, usually these things are riddled with kiddy porn and other highly illegal and awful things, but this was just straight up man on woman, sometimes woman on woman, but always consensual; I mean there was a few fetish videos, but nothing involving animals like you’d often find on MP computers.” said the former detective.
Mr Neil said a check of the computer’s internet history over a three-month period showed pornography had been viewed “extensively; On some days, websites containing pornography were being searched for and opened for several hours. “This bloke’s cock must have looked like a ripe aubergine. Nobody can strangle the bishop for that long and not come awsy kooking like they’ve caught it in a fucking mangle.”
Mr Neil, who retired from the Metropolitan Police in 2014, said “Although you can’t put fingers on a keyboard… well unless it’s your left hand in this MP’s case, a number of factors meant that I was sure it was him who was accessing the pornographic material.”
A Cabinet Office inquiry was set up last month to investigate the allegations; a spokesperson from the inquiry team said
“We’re looking into the deeply disturbing allegations that one of our MPs has been using his work equipment to view totally legal pornography; this is completely unacceptable in a government that prides itself on its high standards of only viewing and engaging in illegal sexual activities. I find the idea that one of our colleagues finds fully consensual sex between adults to be sexually attractive utterly sickening.”
A spokesperson for The MP in question said
“From the outset he has been very clear that he never watched or downloaded legal pornography on the computers seized from his office. He maintains his innocence of these charges and states he thought they were all definitely underage.”