The Daily Telegraph has today released photos of the M.P’s it says should wear arm bands that signify their mutineer status.
The paper says that the armbands should be in the design of the EU flag and feature the word “Untermensch”. This, the paper says will allow voters to more easily identify who is blocking Brexit and why they vote certain ways. The paper denies it will make M.P’s targets when out in public as nobody reads the Telegraph except retired Colonel’s in the home counties.
Attempting to defend the paper, Bill Board said, “All this is an attempt to identify the guilty people subverting the will of the people. They’re traitors but that in no way should cause anyone to get injured or killed.”
The paper also denies suggesting that a special work camp should be set up in the north of the country where Remainers can be sent to live.
As usual the idea has been seized upon by right wing tabloids. The Daily Express have contacted Princess Diana to ask what to do. One reader, Drew Peacock said, “I stand for traditional British values of tarring and feathering any dissenters who dare question the will of the people. I’ve already got a couple of lamp posts picked out to have a traditional British hanging of traitorous scum.”
Another reader said, “I wasn’t sure at first but the Express have said Princess Diana would want me to kill the scumbags. So I’m off to kill them.”
Readers of The Daily Mail can look forward to a fully authorised guide free in this Saturday’s Mail. The guide will give readers tips on spotting Remainers who walk amongst them. The paper has defended it’s editorial entitled, “10 ways to deal with verminous Remainers.”
This weekend will also see The Sun’s Deidre offer a reader advice on how to deal with remoaning scum relatives at Christmas. The advice seems to be to gas them.