MCC members expressed their delight yesterday that at long last someone with a proper surname was good at cricket.
“It’s a shame young Toby Roland-Jones didn’t go to Oxford instead of Leeds, but at least he was privately educated.” said Brigadier Tarquin Montague-Cholmondley-Warner yesterday.”
It seems like only yesterday we had Arthur Streeb-Greebling opening the batting, Herble Summer-Flowers at 4, Dickie Davis-Ayas keeping wicket and of course Jack Duckworth-Lewis tearing in down the slope thrusting his bouncers into the batsman’s face.
But of course it was, in fact, 1932.” “Since then there have been slim pickings. Only Peter Holding-Willey and Andrew Freddy-Flintoff come to mind. Oh, and that chap Heyhoe-Flint. But of course he was a girl.”
Toby Roland-Jones was unavailable for comment and in fact let loose the hounds to chase us down the drive of his Berkshire mansion.