Albert Fudge, a Rochdale based web designer employed by the Conservative Party- has accidentally deleted the European Human Rights Act.

The tech boffin was asked by Theresa May’s new Government to get rid of the evidence of a speech the PM made in 2013 in which she suggested that human rights were political correctness gone mad.

“I’d been up for 72 hours trying to get rid of every stupid thing Boris Johnson had ever said,” explained Fudge (28), “and I then was told to get rid of the speech. Obviously I had a gander at the act while I was there and had several tabs open at once. Then Janet from Payroll asked if I wanted to buy her a drink and I must have deleted the wrong thing.”

Having come from a hacking background – though he told us it was actually called cracking- Fudge had broken into the European Union’s system to read the document which is how the mistake was made.
Jaques Le Ponce, European Justice Bloke, said “To be honest, it was all for how you say? Le show. Nobody actually thought to memorise it. We will have to make it up from scratches. Start again. Sacre bleu!”
Meanwhile, politicians across Europe are busily trying to come up with a new version that doesn’t forbid treating refugees like shit.

Quentin D Fortesqueue is a founding editor of The Rochdale Herald. Part time amateur narcissist and full time satirist Quentin is never happier than when playing his lute and drinking a full bodied Bordeaux. He rarely plays the lute and never gets to drink Bordeaux.