Patriots across Ingerlaand are furious today after hearing that it’s Po Ling Day.

“Why we celebrating some bleeding foreigner, eh?” spat Rochdale UKIP supporter Arthur Witt, “I didn’t hear nuffing about Saint George’s day the other week and he’s proper British! It’s political coriander gone mad!”

Meanwhile members of the populist Britain First Facebook group were outraged too:

“It is typical that in this loony left cull Churwell Marxist country under Theresa Corbyn that we are expected to just accept Poland Day!” said one angry commenter.

“Whoze this frigging Po Ling then? Sum homo communist, I bet!” said another.

Some kind souls did try to point out that polling day referred to elections but they were quickly shut down.

“How fick Jew fink we are?” asked Templar Knihgt 18, “the election ain’t until Jewn! Fucking leftist trolls!”

It’s hoped that the announcement of the next polling day will also keep them at home and bashing random keys on Facebook and away from the polls.