Daily news, satire and comment from the world’s worst local newspaper.
The Rochdale Herald is a satirical, spoof, parody commentary on current affairs, and stuff that annoys and amuses us. We make it up and it’s not intended, in any way whatsoever, to be considered factual.
If you read a story on The Rochdale Herald, please take a deep breath before going off the deep end as we probably made it up, apart from the horoscopes, they’re all completely legit (no they aren’t, we make those up too). We don’t spend much time checking facts or corroborating sources because, and we can’t stress this enough, we’re not actually journalists and are making most of it up. This is an entertainment site that may occasionally confuse some fact with fiction and vice-versa but ultimately we’re writing about the news to make you laugh. We also might talk about sex and swear a bit from time to time so if you’re under 18 please don’t read it.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental, seriously.
If we’ve written about something that’s offended you, please accept our apologies. Unless you are just being a big sissy and have forgotten how the internet works.