Loud booing interrupted by Boris Johnson speech

Millions of viewers who tuned into a BBC broadcast of tens of thousands of people booing and hissing at Downing Street today were left disappointed after the Prime Minister drowned out the crowds with...

MP’s take well deserved autumn break after sorting out all UK’s problems

Westminster is demob happy today as hundreds of MPs pack their bags and await their family’s driver to come and collect them for half term. “I barely recall what my family looks like,” one excited...

Only two prime ministers till Christmas

Children around the UK were feeling giddy this morning after learning that it's now officially on two prime ministers until Christmas morning. "I can almost taste the presents." Carly McPhee, seven, told The Rochdale Herald....

Crackdown on Russian fake pro-Brexit social media profiles leaves only 200 Nigel Farage accounts...

A crackdown today on Russian fake pro-Brexit social media profiles by Facebook and other social media platforms has left only 200 Nigel Farage accounts open. The unprecedented move was a result of the discovery that...

Political satire not funny when it’s about Corbyn, says humourless twerp

Taking the mick out of Tories is fine but leave Corbyn alone, according to Frank Lennon, a Rochdale Momentum member. "The Tories are evil and are trying to destroy the poor," said Lennon, whose Facebook...

Michael Fallon quits Cabinet to pursue dream of ‘not having to work here any...

The Secretary of State for Defence has left colleagues at the Cabinet stunned when he sent a memo slating all of them at once. In the memo sent out to his colleagues in the Cabinet,...

Miliband secures votes of hen-pecked husbands and nagging wives by doing housework for votes

Ed Miliband has vowed to do the dishes, take the rubbish out to the bin and mow lawns for every member in his North Doncaster constituency to secure their votes for Labour. "Well, if it gets the...

Wonga provide financial aid package as Britain’s credit rating reduced

Payday loan provider Wonga has announced today that it has offered to step in and help the government. The move follows a further reduction of Britain’s credit rating by Moody's. The reduction from ‘mortgage potentials’...

Nigel Farage announces he’s to quit politics to become UKIP leader

Nigel Farage has announced today he is planning to quit politics to become leader of UKIP, again.

Jeremy Corbyn thrilled to get through to judges houses

The election result has seen Jeremy Corbyn in a new light and he is hoping to continue this form into the next stage of the competition. As with any success in this field, there is...

Medical advances meant most students will survive to pay back large debts PM reassures...

The woman pretending to be British Prime Minister is expected to increase her appeal to the younger demographics today. She will do it by reassuring that medical advances mean most of them will live...

Twitter scientists confirm discovery of human parrot hybrid that only speaks Tory

The BBC’s most insightful political journalist has been discovered to be a species of parrot and awarded a delightful new name today by natural historians. Avian studies experts from the Rochdale Museum of Modern Natural...

Daily Mail accuses BBC of not being impartial on Brexit

The Daily Mail has accused the BBC of ignoring all the positive benefits Brexit has brought. In an editorial, the paper says that the BBC is deliberately ignoring the economic boom that is clearly going....

Clocks won’t go back this month due to EU ruling

The European Union and the UK Government have agreed that the UK's clocks won't go back an hour in October this year or change at until Brexit negotiations have concluded. The move comes following complaints...

U.S transgender community ‘relieved’ they will not die fighting for Trump

As President Trump, leader of the free world, announced that transgender citizens would no longer be allowed to serve the U.S. Armed forces in any capacity emotion swept the community.  Many people vented their anger...

Government reassures that Brexit talk delays are all part of the plan

Number 10 has today reassured the Rochdale Herald that everything is in good order and that they do, in fact, know what they are doing with Brexit. Our Number 10 insider told us “Our...
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