Home Authors Posts by Jodie Knott

Jodie Knott

High mistress of the underworld, destroyer of souls, collector of small pottery cats. Also one of the country's premier frock enthusiasts.

New Far Right Perfume Released.

In order to capitalise on the mood of the country at the moment, the ex-UKIP leader Nigel Farage is to release a new perfume...

Sir Philip Green in Robin Hood Shocker

Serial cash withdrawer Sir Philip Green has caused fresh controversy today with claims that revered British folk hero Robin Hood was the' worst sort...

Travel Chaos Hailed as “Complete Success” by French.

French authorities today claimed that their test of the post-Brexit border checks was a complete success, with motorists in Kent delayed for hours and...

Pokémon Go! the new surfing

With the craze sweeping the world, it appears that 'Pokémon Go!' has overtaken surfing as the world's coolest hobby. According to a new survey in...

Activity holidays not holidays – survey finds

A survey carried out by the Herald shows Britons are increasingly of the opinion that lying by a pool in the warm sun and...

Parents Bigger Liars Than Politicians

Research done by students at Rochdale's Kingsway Park school suggests that parents are bigger liars than politicians. 6th Former Tom Wilkes who was head of the...
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