The entire media demanded that Labour provide a triplicated cost analysis today after it was announced that Jeremy Corbyn might be planning to put the kettle on.

“Tax Fears as Labour Announce Brewtime” read the BBC headline.

“This Is How Labour Cuppas Will Destroy Britain,” read the Express.

There were suggestions recently that the press, which is owned and run by very rich establishment figures, may not be giving quite as hard a time to the establishment favoured Conservatives.

“Nonsense. It is perfectly acceptable for our unbiased media to constantly demand costings from commie Labour and use the same utterly false rhetoric of every past Tory anti Labour propaganda campaign,” said Lord Sir Ivor Stay-Kinnet, chairman of the government funded Independent Press Watchdog,”we ask all the parties hard questions. We asked Theresa May what her favourite type of wine for the fish course was and that’s a difficult question to answer.”

Unfortunately Lord Stay-Kinnet had to cut short our interview in order to whip up fears about something Labour possibly might do but which nobody is mentioning that the Tories definitely will.

When the aeons of war left the gods dead and the universe decimated, a single duck rose from the ashes and stood for justice and freedom! It wasn't me, that duck, but we look quite bit alike.