King Joffrey to perform Iain Duncan Smith knighting ceremony

Joffrey I Baratheon, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm is to perform Iain Duncan Smith's Knighting ceremony. A Palace spokesman said, "The Queen...

Boris catches coronavirus despite consistently washing hands of all responsibility

Finally, after what feels like years of writing about this car crash of a government you NHS applauding, social distance ignoring flag shaggers voted in, we have something positive to report about the PM. ...

I’m President of what? Asks Donald Trump

After the shock of winning the popularity contest "President Factor", President elect Trump has now talked about his next career move. We asked him about it over Skype, he told us: "I'm now on the...

Treasury seek OAP to sit in baked beans to fund Social Services

In a surprise press release, the Treasury have today revealed a novel initiative to bolster funding for cash-starved Social Services. In the statement, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi Sunak announced, "Following the outstanding achievement of...

Council election draw decided by ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’

In a remarkable turn of events, there have been two draws in results in the Local Council elections. Northumberland County Council saw Conservative and Liberal Democrats ties, which were decided by drawing lots of straws...

UKIP elects Diane James leader

Diane James was elected the leader of UKIP yesterday and has already been causing controversy on account of not being Nigel Farage. People outside of UKIP greeted the news with cries of "who?" and "whatever".

Barrymore seeks planning permission for bigger pool after High Court throws out Blair war...

It is being reported that Michael Barrymore is all set to appeal to the High Court for planning permission for a second swimming pool at his Essex home after hearing that they threw out...

White House Press Office denies denying denials of denials denying denials

The White House Press Office has issued a fresh set of denials denying denials of  denials denying denials. "We knew about Mr Trump's links to Russia over a year ago," says a press release from...

I’ve never even heard of Liam Fox says Liam Fox

Conservative MP, Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade, Dr Liam Fox, has issued a blanket denial that he is actually Dr Liam Fox, as had previously been...

Government advises British Gas Customers to follow their example and burn bridges for fuel...

Most U.K. bridges are built or stone and iron. This will mean a boom to hardware retailers as Britons rush to stop up on pickaxes and wheelbarrows in order to carry their winter fuel allowance home.

Miley Cyrus to sue Boris Johnson for £350M over unauthorised cover of “Wrecking Ball”

The worlds of entertainment and politics appear to have combined this morning with the speculation that pop superstar Miley Cyrus is expected to sue professional mop head Boris Johnson over his unauthorised cover of...

Neo Nazis, KKK and Nigel Farage call Trump Chief of Staff “my kind of...

Nigel Farage joined the Ku Klux Klan and Neo Nazis across America to praise Donald Trump's choice of alt-right Breitbart propagandist Steve Bannon today. "He's my kind of chap" said Nigel Farage with neither a...

Hitler “off his tits on smack” claims book

A new book about Chaplin-tached proto-Trump, Adolf Hitler, has claimed that he and his fetishist cohorts were totally out of their shiny bonces on drugs. According to Norman Ohler, the Jew hating Germany Firsters spent...

Theresa May to win Brexit by sitting on her chair at low tide at...

Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Jacob Rees-mogg and Owen Patterson have volunteered to carry May’s throne to the shoreline for her, before setting it in the sands and retreating so May can take her seat. She will then start screaming at the sea.

Politicians human too. Balls!

Speaking on the Jeremy Vine show on BBC Radio 2 this afternoon, Strictly Come Dancer Ed Balls made the outrageous claim that politicians are human beings. The interview with Norwich City boss and husband of...

UKIP and Corbynista trolls to colour code social media posts to avoid confusion.

  UKIP and the Corbynista wing of the Labour Party have reached a landmark agreement to prevent social media posts by their respective trolls and sock puppets from being confused. From now on, the two sides announced in...
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