Bosses at the BBC are poised to announce a list of new TV shows to better reflect the religious views of it’s viewers.

As announced recently, the BBC has been tasked by it’s controllers to produce religious content that’s more in line with the UK population. At present the organisation’s religious output is largely based upon Christianity, leaving other popular UK religions unrepresented.

A top producer at the BBC who wished to remain anonymous has told The Rochdale Herald about some of the proposed new shows. These shows are based upon current programmes, and some old favourites, but with a religious twist to appeal to currently underrepresented sections of the community. He tells us “our reality section is working on a show that focusses on the Sharia courts that operate around the UK. It’ll be a look inside these usually secretive places, showing us the rulings made by leading Muslims for crimes against Allah. This new show, ‘The Sharifs Are Coming’, will be broadcast on weekday mornings.”

Another former favourite from the BBC is getting the religious treatment too. Bosses are set to announce a new cookery competition show in the next few days. ‘The Great Buddhist Bake Off’ will be broadcast next summer. Bosses have assured our source that this show will be a great advertisement for the level of cookery skill there is amongst British Buddhists. Following the cooking competition theme there are plans for a version of a current favourite. ‘Wiccan Masterchef’ will be hitting screens next autumn with eye of newt top of the menu.

The BBC’s Drama department hasn’t been forgotten and plans to produce a new murder mystery series based in Yemen called ‘Mid-Sana’a Murders’, a new twist on a D. H. Lawrence classic, ‘Lady Chatterley’s Rabbi’ and cartoon fun from Valhalla with ‘Bojack Norseman’ have been green lit.

The Rochdale Herald will publish further updates as they arrive.