The Home Office announced this morning that voters in the U.K. will be asked to tick yes or no again in a referendum shortly.

This time the question will be whether or not to carry on pretending Theresa May knows what she’s doing?

The Rochdale Herald spoke to Ms Amber Rudderless, who stands in for Home Secretary Amber Rudd whenever the Home Secretary is busy debating with PM Theresa May whether or not to force people to put CCTV behind the mirrored doors of their bathroom cabinets.

“This is the way to bring the country together. To unite all. Look at the EU ref. Look at the vote in Catalonia. Referendums are just crystallising events. Imagine if you could decide as a family which family members to exclude from Christmas?”

But critics have been quick to point out that even if we decided as a majority to cut the farce and laugh May out of office it won’t solve anything. The real problem being that you can say as much self deluding waffle as you like to keep billionaires and Express readers happy, but that doesn’t change the reality that Brexit is so rushed it can only strip the innards out of the UK and hand them to the EU on a silver platter.

“There is a slight risk that the referendum, even if it leaves to May leaving office, will just lead to us all having to pretend some clown like Bojo or Rees-mogg knows what he’s doing, I admit,” Ms Rudderless admitted.

Asked who she would put on the ballot paper for Xmas exclusion in her household, Ms Rudderless replied, “Oh myself. Good God. To have a chance like that to potentially get out of Christmas with my sister in law and not take it?

“It’s a no brainier!”