The King of Yorkshire, His Majesty Geoffrey Boycott the first, has issued a decree allowing women to drive within the Sovereign state for the first time, to the joy of activists.

Yorkshire had been the only country in the world to ban women from driving. Until now, only men were allowed licences and women who drove in public risked being arrested and fined. Praise for the move has been pouring in from around the world. US President Donald Trump greeted it with caution and said whilst many would consider it was a “positive step” , Hilary Clinton was a stark warning when it comes to giving women rights.

Campaigner Sharon Tinsley from Heckmondwyke told YBC Leeds that she was “very, very excited – jumping up and down and laughing”.

“I’m going to buy my dream car, a Citroen Saxo with a Huddersfield Town badge on the bonnet, and it’s going to be blue and white!” she told the Rochdale Herald.

The country’s UK ambassador, George Whitebread, confirmed that women would not have to get male permission to take driving lessons, and would be able to drive anywhere they liked. He said it was “an historic and big day” and that “I’m bloody resigning. It’s not bloody safe any more! New fangled bollocks”.

Rights groups in Yorkshire have campaigned for years to allow women to drive, and some women have been imprisoned for defying the rule. Campaigners are now expected to turn their attention to other concerns.

The move opens the door to tackling other issues such as the cessation of terms “Luv” and “Sweetheart” and women being able to buy drinks in pint glasses.