Donald Trump has decided to extend his executive decision concerning repealing Obamacare to his entire presidency.

It is believed the most successful man ever to inherit a small business from his father is fed up with resistance from the legislative.

It’s believed his first preference is to just follow the advice of his best Russian friend and only allow people who will say yes to be elected.

This maybe a little tricky to do so early in his presidency, so he has decided to just sit back and watch the whole shit show go to hell.

An aide to the President spoke about how he came to this decision,

“He was watching re-runs of Miss America 1979 and he just hit pause.” The aide revealed. “Hitting pause to admire the winner of the pageant was a light bulb moment for Donald.”

He could just hit pause on the whole President thing! That way nothing would ever happening again and he would in no way be responsible if everything went to hell in a hand cart while he used Twitter.

Obamacare, having stumbled along for seven years, is clearly close to collapse.

“When Obamacare collapses under its own inherent contradictions everyone will know Donald is a genius for letting it happen.”

The same logic apparently can be applied to the entire job of being President.

“He’s going to watch television, tweet and tell his daughter she’s beautiful.” The aide continued.

“When the presidency of Donald Trump collapses through disinterest and neglect Mr Trump will be best positioned to suggest then the replacement.”

Donald Trump Jnr is thought to be the sitting President’s favourite to succeed him.
Or maybe Ivanka? They’ll both have to audition.